Numerical Integration

Last Update: Oct. 4, 2007

Sample code


/* T.Kouya's GSL sample program collection     */
/*                       Numerical Integration */
/*                   Written by Tomonori Kouya */
/*                                             */
/* Version 0.01: 2007-10-04                    */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_errno.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_integration.h>

#define LIMIT_SIZE 1000

/* integrant */
/* sin(x) */
double func(const double x, void *param)
	return sin(x);

int main(void)
	int i, times, status;
	gsl_function f;
	gsl_integration_workspace *workspace;
	double a, b, ret, ret_abserr;

	/* set integration interval and integrant */
	a = 0.0;
	b = M_PI;
	f.function = &func;
	f.params = 0;

	/* Define type of Interpolation */
	workspace = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(LIMIT_SIZE);

	/* QAG adaptive integraion */
	gsl_integration_qag(&f, a, b, 1.0e-20, 1.0e-10, LIMIT_SIZE, GSL_INTEG_GAUSS41, workspace, &ret, &ret_abserr);

	/* print */
	printf("QAG (exact_abserr, returned abserr): %25.17e (%10.3e, %10.3e)\n", ret, fabs(ret - 2.0), ret_abserr);

	/* free */

	return 0;

Example execution

$ ./integration
QAG (exact_abserr, returned abserr):   2.00000000000000000e+00 ( 0.000e+00,  2.220e-14)

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