GSL sample: Interpolation

Last Update: Oct. 4, 2007

Sample code


/* T.Kouya's GSL sample program collection     */
/*            Interpolation of Discrete Points */
/*                   Written by Tomonori Kouya */
/*                                             */
/* Version 0.01: 2007-10-04                    */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_errno.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_interp.h>

/* Number of Discrete Points */
#define DIM 10

/* exact func(x) */
/* sin(x) */
double func(double x)
	return sin(x);

int main(void)
	int i, times, status;
	gsl_interp *workspace;
	gsl_interp_accel *accel;
	double h;
	double x[DIM], y[DIM], xtmp, ytmp;

/* Polynomial Interpolation */

	/* Set discrete points */
	x[0] = 0.0;
	x[DIM - 1] = 2 * M_PI;
	h = (x[DIM - 1] - x[0]) / DIM;
	for(i = 0; i < DIM; i++)
		x[i] = x[0] + (double)i * h;
		y[i] = func(x[i]);

	printf("Discrete Points for Interpolation (sin(x))\n");
	printf(" i		 x		     y\n");
	for(i = 0; i < DIM; i++)
		printf("%3d: %25.17e %25.17e\n", i, x[i], y[i]);

	/* Define type of Interpolation */
	workspace = gsl_interp_alloc(gsl_interp_polynomial, DIM);
	accel = gsl_interp_accel_alloc();

	/* Initialize */
	gsl_interp_init(workspace, x, y, DIM);

	/* Evaluation */
	h /= 3.0;
	printf("	       x		 interpolated y      abs_error     \n");
	for(i = 0; i < 3 * DIM; i++)
		xtmp = x[0] + h * (double)i;
		ytmp = gsl_interp_eval(workspace, x, y, xtmp, NULL);
		printf("%25.17e %25.17e %10.3e\n", xtmp, ytmp, fabs(ytmp - func(xtmp)));

	/* free */

	return 0;

Example execution

$ ./interpolation
Discrete Points for Interpolation (sin(x))
 i                 x                     y
  0:   0.00000000000000000e+00   0.00000000000000000e+00
  1:   6.28318530717958623e-01   5.87785252292473137e-01
  2:   1.25663706143591725e+00   9.51056516295153531e-01
  3:   1.88495559215387587e+00   9.51056516295153642e-01
  4:   2.51327412287183449e+00   5.87785252292473248e-01
  5:   3.14159265358979312e+00   1.22464679914735321e-16
  6:   3.76991118430775174e+00  -5.87785252292473026e-01
  7:   4.39822971502571036e+00  -9.51056516295153531e-01
  8:   5.02654824574366899e+00  -9.51056516295153642e-01
  9:   5.65486677646162761e+00  -5.87785252292473359e-01

               x                 interpolated y      abs_error     
  0.00000000000000000e+00   0.00000000000000000e+00  0.000e+00
  2.09439510239319532e-01   2.07860795644523644e-01  5.090e-05
  4.18879020478639064e-01   4.06712580221638642e-01  2.406e-05
  6.28318530717958623e-01   5.87785252292473137e-01  0.000e+00
  8.37758040957278127e-01   7.43151997300360856e-01  7.172e-06
  1.04719755119659763e+00   8.66029786417928271e-01  4.383e-06
  1.25663706143591725e+00   9.51056516295153420e-01  1.110e-16
  1.46607657167523664e+00   9.94519932551033659e-01  1.963e-06
  1.67551608191455625e+00   9.94520472133828548e-01  1.423e-06
  1.88495559215387587e+00   9.51056516295153642e-01  0.000e+00
  2.09439510239319526e+00   8.66026266881472884e-01  8.631e-07
  2.30383461263251466e+00   7.43145543942779097e-01  7.185e-07
  2.51327412287183449e+00   5.87785252292473248e-01  0.000e+00
  2.72271363311115389e+00   4.06736078624623798e-01  5.645e-07
  2.93215314335047328e+00   2.07911159104951504e-01  5.317e-07
  3.14159265358979312e+00   3.48786849800863176e-16  2.263e-16
  3.35103216382911251e+00  -2.07911159104950893e-01  5.317e-07
  3.56047167406843190e+00  -4.06736078624623076e-01  5.645e-07
  3.76991118430775174e+00  -5.87785252292473248e-01  2.220e-16
  3.97935069454707113e+00  -7.43145543942779541e-01  7.185e-07
  4.18879020478639053e+00  -8.66026266881472884e-01  8.631e-07
  4.39822971502571036e+00  -9.51056516295152754e-01  7.772e-16
  4.60766922526502931e+00  -9.94520472133827882e-01  1.423e-06
  4.81710873550434915e+00  -9.94519932551033659e-01  1.963e-06
  5.02654824574366899e+00  -9.51056516295155085e-01  1.443e-15
  5.23598775598298793e+00  -8.66029786417928715e-01  4.383e-06
  5.44542726622230777e+00  -7.43151997300363854e-01  7.172e-06
  5.65486677646162761e+00  -5.87785252292475802e-01  2.442e-15
  5.86430628670094656e+00  -4.06712580221640141e-01  2.406e-05
  6.07374579694026639e+00  -2.07860795644525476e-01  5.090e-05

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