Japanese Page
Last Update: 2008-07-01
- "Classical Error Estimation (CEE)" is :
- a posteriori and empirical error estimation which has been used for long
- not regorous but practical one because it does not require to rewrite existed numerical algorithmes
- to separate round-off error in approximation obtained, so truncation error
(theoritical error) in it can be estimated.
- applicable in IEEE754 double (and fixed) precision) ONLY
- able to be more accurate if multiple (and mixed) precision arithmetic would
be available
- able to make us calculate the approximation with user-required precision
as application of CEE
- How do we apply CEE to arbitrary precision computation ?
- Estimation of Round-off Error
- IEEE754 double and fixed precision arithmetic ONLY
- Multiple and mixed precision arithmetic like MPFR/GMP
- Case Study
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