Read this material by opening index.htm in your webbrowser. frameindex.htm also provides a nice interface ---- Changelog: [2006-09-04] Released updated tarball. [2006-09-04] Removed some tracker stuff from the html: I do not trust those services anymore. [2006-09-04] Fixed some broken links in the introductory pages, swapped the order of pages III and IIIa, thanks to Michael D Godfrey. [2006-09-04] Added more links thanks to Ernesto La Orden and Peter. [2006-09-03] Added pages 698, 699 thanks to D. Baruth. ---- I recovered all of this from using the following command: wget -w 2 --random-wait -U "Internet Explorer" (supposed to be written on one line.) Colin Macdonald, oct. 2002 ---- Copyright notice: The Handbook of Mathematical Functions is, under the US copyright law, a "work for hire performed for the US Government". Therefore, from the point of view of the copyright law, the "author" of this work is the US Government. According to the US copyright law, works by the US Government are not eligible for the US copyright protection. Therefore, the Handbook of Mathematical Functions is not under US copyright and it is legal to copy it or distribute it in any form. Accordingly, paper copies of the book do not bear a copyright notice or a notice to prohibit copying.