January 16, 2007

RSA Encryption using GMP

-- RSA Encryption Program
-- Version 0.0: 2007-01-14
-- Copyright (c) 2007- Tomonori Kouya (http://na-inet.jp/)

[UNIX ] rsa.tar.gz
[Win32] rsa_win32.zip

--What's rsa.c ?
 Our "rsa.c" is a simple RSA encryption program in easy way. It can encrypt character strings of any length (default length is 256). All of multiple precision integer arithmetic executed in this program is based on GNU MP(GMP), so it can't be compiled without GMP Version 4.1.2 or later versions.

--How to compile
 In UNIX or compatible environment in which GMP has been installed, you can compile:
$ gcc rsa.c -lgmp

You may choose the "Makefile" distributed with rsa.c.

 In Windows (2000, XP or Vista) environment, the command line compilers, for example, Cygwin or DJGPP, or the other package for Visual C++ (rsa_win32.zip) are available.

--License of rsa.c
 You must treat and distribute it under GPL Version 2, along License.txt with rsa.c.

 rsa.c dosen't have strong encyption for pratical use, because it was originally made for educational usage of "Algebra" in Shizuoka Institute of Science and Technology. The copyright holder has NEVER any responsibility for it. YOU MUST USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK!!

Posted by tkouya at January 16, 2007 7:57 PM