BNCmatmul Ver.0.21リリース延期


Delay of releasing BNCmatmul Ver.0.21

We had planned to release the BNCmatmul library (Optimized MPBLAS) at the end of March, but since the documentation is not ready at all, it will be around the end of April.
I don’t think there are many people who are waiting for it, but since I have publicly stated that I would like to open it by the end of March, I would like to say tentative release plan of it here.

Strange Phenomenon of Cosine function on Linux x86_64 + gcc env

The below article has been submitted to NA Digest (So, it would not be received …). Japanese version of that can be read here.
Dear NA digest subscribers,
I am in trouble about the problem on cosine function in IEEE754 double precision.
On Fedora Core 4 or CentOS 4/5 x86_64 env, I ran the program which included the function below in 4 different rounding-modes (RN, RZ, RP, RM) in order to know amount of round-off error.
double cos_rmode(double x, int rmode)
int current_rmode;
double ret;
current_rmode = fegetround(); // get current rounding mode
fesetround(rmode); // change rounding mode
ret = cos(x); // cosine function
fesetround(current_rmode); // restore rounding mode
return ret;

As a result, very different values of cosine func at x >> 1 are obtained like:
cos( 5.04710873550435011e+01) =
RN, RZ: 9.78937668119415738e-01, 9.78937668119415627e-01
RP, RM: 5.55012195441045186e-01, 9.78937668119415627e-01
cos( 5.48598775598298900e+01) =
RN, RZ: -1.17720272477898139e-01, -3.04940663255730016e+00
RP, RM: -1.17720272477898139e-01, -3.04940663255730016e+00.
The underlined values above are incorrect.
In the RN mode, the cosine function always returns correct values, but incorrect and very different values in other 3 modes. If you want to check this phenomenon on your env, you can download my sample program from:
By trying to run the above “test_cos.c” on 32bit and 64bit Linux environments around me, this phenomenon could not be found in 32bit env such as Pentium 3/4 and Mac OS X 10.4 + Xcode + Core2Duo.
I will appreciate your sending the information about this problem if you have anything.
Sincerely yours,

Tomonori KOUYA