Categories: 日記

2/17(火) 掛川・晴

 昨日っつーか,今日の朝方までGrapherLibraryを扱っていた。作った本人が読めない事を書くのは気が引けるので,以下は下手くそ英語で書く。Because I’m reluctant to write Japanese comments that the author can’t understand, English comments follows.
This library creates a Postscript file and a TeX file attached to it. Both files are used to be embedded in a TeX document. Although it is similar to PGPLOT, GrapherLibrary is a more primitive tool to draw very precise mathematical 2D graphics.
The current GrapherLibrary is written in old C++ coding style, and cannot be compiled by g++ 3.x. If you will compile it by using newer g++, you would see many warning messages. It is easy to delete these warnings by using std namespace. This is my first modification for it.
Secondly, “GPATH” environment variable is made unused. Lastly, I made “libggg++.a” from compilled GrapherLibrary.
Whole modifications are very easy. But modified GrapherLibrary is just fitted in my current Linux environment. This will not be opened, of course.
 通じるかしらん? ま,一応義理は果たしたってことで。


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